Agriculture Risk Metrics Italia

RILEVARE LA COMPLESSITÀ DEL METEO E DEL CLIMA IN AGRICOLTURA CON LA TECNOLOGIA Gli impatti dei cambiamenti climatici rendono la gestione dei rischi naturali una questione sempre più rilevante. Inoltre, la progressiva digitalizzazione offre nuove sfide e opportunità in questo settore per l’innovazione attraverso l´AgroTech, che consente l’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici, l’ottimizzazione dei processi e…

Agriculture Risk Metrics – Instrument za mjerenje rizika u poljoprivredi

UPOTREBA TEHNOLOGIJE U ODREĐIVANJU UTJECAJA VREMENA I KLIME NA POLJOPRIVREDU Utjecaj klimatskih promjena čini upravljanje rizikom od prirodnih nepogoda sve važnijim. Osim toga, napredak digitalizacije pruža nove izazove i mogućnosti za inovacije putem AgroTecha koji omogućuje prilagodbu klimatskim promjenama, optimizaciju procesa i smanjenje rizika. ARM platforma Genillard & Co omogućuje vam, kao važnom igraču u…

Agriculture Risk Metrics Italia

News on our ARM Initiative in Italy   Genillard & Co has been advocating the introduction of a climate risk management tool for crop insurers in Italy.  Our solution, the Agriculture Risk Metrics platform, provides the necessary risk data and analyses for a holistic risk understanding and management of climate risks for agriculture in Italy.…

Umfrage zur digitalen Unternehmensstrategie in der landwirtschaftlichen Versicherung

Genillard & Co arbeitet stetig daran, führende Versicherungslösungen für Klimarisiken zu entwickeln. Im Rahmen des von der EU geförderten INFINITECH-Projekts entwickeln wir gemeinsam mit unserem Partner AgroApps ein innovatives Tool zur Digitalisierung von Underwriting- und Schadenmanagement- Prozessen von Agrarversicherern. Für eine erfolgreiche Entwicklung und Einführung ist es uns wichtig, dass die Spezialisten vor Ort in…

EU Awards €17 million to ILIAD Project to Launch an Innovative Digital Twin of The Ocean

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Horizon 2020 project: ILIAD. Over the next three years Genillard & Co will investigate insurance innovations for maritime activities linking the technological and modelling capacities of the project to the risk assessment needs of the insurance industry. The ILIAD consortium, which includes 56 international partners,…

CISAR 2022 will be a fully virtual event

Dear All,Genillard & Co formally invites you to our 2022 Climate Insurance Solutions for Agricultural Risks (CISAR)  Symposium which will be held on the 8th and 9th of March 2022 Following the continuing challenges associated with COVID-19 resulting in the limitations to non-essential travel, many countries and organizations have put in place further containment strategies including travel restrictions. For this reason, Genillard…

Invitation to CISAR 2022

Dear All,Genillard & Co formally invites you to our 2022 Climate Insurance Solutions for Agricultural Risks (CISAR)  Symposium which will be held on the 8th and 9th of March 2022 at Weihenstephan Technical University of Munich (TUM) Campus near Munich After the success of the first CISAR symposium back in March 2019, and with the very positive reception of the virtual, fully…