After three years of successful cooperation, we can finally present the results of the H2020 Insurance project. Seven informative video clips give insights into the OASIS Hub, the OASIS Loss Modelling Framework (OASIS LMF), and the five models which have been developed for relevant climate hazards.
As a reminder, the goal of our H2020 Insurance project was to develop innovative models for predicting natural hazards in times of climate change, and to transfer them to the insurance industry by means of a uniform framework. In the course of this project the OASIS Hub, as a public marketplace for data and tools, and the model platform OASIS LMF were developed further.
During the evolvement of the five risk models, the synergies of a cross-sectoral, global exchange between science and the insurance industry regarding risk and climate modelling have been demonstrated and implemented. In WP2.1.1, a transnational, multi-risk model was built using the example of the Danube which was validated and tested with the help of the insurance industry. For WP2.2.1, a comprehensive event catalogue for typhoons in China was created, which allows an improved prediction of the frequency and severity of such events. WP2.2.2 demonstrated how modelling can be used to implement a microinsurance scheme for small farmers in Tanzania. In WP2.3.1, the relationship between climate data and urban health was derived, and WP2.3.2 was used to create a forest fire tool for the insurance industry.
Would you like to discover more about the Oasis platform or the application of risk models?
Please contact us for further information and a demo of the models and tools.