ILIAD - Digital Twin of the Ocean

In January 2022, the EU launched the Horizon 2020 project Iliad (Integrated Digital Framework for Comprehensive Maritime Data and Information Services). The project’s duration is set to 36 months, € 17 Million have been granted to achieve the mission of developing virtual representations of the ocean that will integrate and extend existing EU earth observing, modelling digital infrastructures and computing facilities to provide highly accurate predictions of future developments.

Building on the assets resulting from two decades of investments in policies and infrastructures for the blue economy, 56 partners from 18 countries are working at establishing an interoperable, data-intensive, and cost-effective Digital Twin of the Ocean which will then provide highly accurate predictions of future developments at global seas.

Genillard & Co is leading the pilot project on “Insurance for Aquaculture in Norway”. Together with our project partners, we aim to analyze and quantify the various risks an aquaculture site may encounter, first focusing on harmful algae blooms . By applying this type of holistic risk assessment, our goal is to identify deficiencies and potential for improvement regarding the management and prevention of natural hazards, propose measures to stakeholders and therefore provide a “best case” risk management approach for aquaculture in Europe. As a final product of this project’s efforts, we will present the “Aquaculture Risk Metrics” (AqRM), a comprehensive ecosystem and data platform. Aquaculture site operators as well as (re)insurers will be able to make informed decisions based on this shared data.

Logo of the company Iliad.

“The novelty of Iliad is in its integration. I believe that no other project in the past has ever done all these, has ever integrated all these elements into one project. This integrative capacity […], integrating all these elements into something new, is the main contribution of Iliad to science and to metoceanography”

(Prof. Georgios Sylaios, Iliad RTD manager)

Directed - Disaster Risk Management

In November 2022, the EU launched new Horizon Europe project Directed (Disaster Resilience for Extreme Climate Events providing Interoperable Data, Models, Communication and Governance). The project’s duration is set to 36 months, € 5.2 Million have been granted to achieve the mission of revolutionizing the governance and management of climate disasters across multiple civil society and emergency agencies.

Weather extremes such as heavy precipitation events, heat waves and droughts are evidently becoming more frequent and intense due to ongoing, man-made climate change. Therefore it is essential to foster disaster-resilient European societies by expanding our capabilities to communicate, utilize and exchange state-of-the-art data, information and knowledge between different actors. The integration, accessibility and interoperability of models is an important step on this journey.

Genillard & Co is acting as leader of the Real World Lab Danube. Together with our project partners and stakeholders, including local communities, practitioners, civil protection organizations, regional authorities, and members of the private sector, we will continue our efforts in supporting the risk management community with innovative Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategies by using the multi-hazard-and-risk model-suite Future Danube Model (FDM), developed within the H2020 insurance project. The FDM will allow seamless predictions of extreme weather events such as floods, droughts and heatwaves, consistently across space and time scales for the entire Danube basin. The lab will provide real world experiences and data to better prepare for current and future risks regarding multiple perils in the large and diverse Danube basin under changing climate conditions, all the while with the focus on stakeholder needs. This new knowledge will help to improve risk management and transfer between societies and (re)insurances.

Logo that shows the letter "D" in light blue color. In the top left corner is a graphic of a light blue dot, a light green dot and an orange dot, all of them are connected.

“We envisage the impacts that we will have building and combining information on climate extremes and adaptation to climate change will ultimately greatly reduce the damages and losses that face the European community now and in the future.

(Max Steinhausen, Project Coordinator from Technical University of Braunschweig)

SOTERIA - Insurance for Climate Adaptation

In September 2023, the new EU funded Horizon Europe project Soteria was launched. The aim of the project is to advance innovative insurance solutions for Climate Change Adaptation in different European regions and communities. The climate protection gap is the non-insured share of economic losses caused by climate-related disasters. This project aims to prevent the protection gap from widening. As some risks may become too costly to insure, we plan to introduce non-life insurance products that reward proactive prevention measures while seeking to increase cover through affordable and effective innovative insurance solutions. We will take these solutions from the levels of research to demonstration and testing. Using insurance as a risk-transfer mechanism to absorb financial losses related to climate risks is the first step to risk management; promoting natural disaster insurance penetration will encourage users to invest in adaptation.

Soteria brand logo in dark green.

“We aim to help reduce the protection gap in different European regions by documenting best practices and testing insurance products and services that reward proactive prevention measures, all while seeking to increase coverage through co-designed solutions in SOTERIA Pilot Regions”

(María José Sanz, Soteria’s Principal Investigator from BC3)

Success Stories

Infinitech – Big Data and IoT for Finance and Insurance

This project has resulted in the provision of open-source and commercial service modules that enable financial institutes or insurance companies to exploit the untapped market potential of BigData and AI solutions for their businesses. Leveraging innovations in earth observation, weather information and ICT technology, the AgI Toolbox for agricultural insurance business has been enhanced while improving customer-friendliness and data processing.

(Visit the project homepage or explore the developed services and solutions on the Infinitech Marketplace).


H2020_Insurance – Innovation Hub for Catastrophe and Climate Extremes Risk Assessment

During the three-year-project H2020 Insurance, innovative NatCat models for predicting natural hazards and insurance losses in times of climate change were developed and transferred to the industry by means of a uniform framework. In the course of this project the OASIS Hub, as a public marketplace for data and tools, and the modelling platform OASIS LMF became the meeting place for insurance risk modellers. For climate risk assessment and management along the Danube, the Future Danube Model was developed and successfully validated. Further enhancement and use cases of the model are being carried out as part of our DIRECTED project (see above).


Dr. Tide

During the EUROSTARS project Dr. Tide an Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) crawler was established which harvests data constantly and automatically from diverse sources, based on customer needs. It delivers analysed data in a structured and visualized means to agricultural stakeholders within a given market which can feed into different data products including our Agriculture Risk Metrics.


Holistic Resilience Trentino

During the course of this project, we focussed our risk analytics on the forests in northern Italy to improve their resilience against extraordinary meteorological events. We engaged with public and private stakeholders in the region, investigated the market and designed scenarios for possible insurance solutions (indemnity as well as parametric).

European Flag with text "Funded by the European Union"
Logo of Infinitech. Red lettering, on the left a graphic with an infinity sign, which partly looks like a power button. The company name on the right.
Logo of Horizon 2020 Insurance.

Contact Us Now

Brown-haired man wearing a grey shirt smiling towards the camera.

Dominik Hedderich

Risk Management and Analytics

Phone: +49 89 2060688 23

A dark-blonde-haired man with a beard wearing a black shirt smiling lightly towards the camera.

Paul Eberlein

Risk Management and Analytics

Phone: +49 89 2060688 17