Run-Off & Legacy in the Reinsurance Market

The legacy and run-off market represents a dynamic and evolving sector where companies manage and transfer insurance policies that are no longer actively marketed, focusing on claims management and settlement until all liabilities are resolved. The global non-life run-off market is substantial, with estimated reserves exceeding EUR 933.5 billion. Europe alone holds reserves of EUR…

Welcome Michael Hand at G&Co

Please join us in welcoming our new Genillard & Co team Consultant, Michael Hand. Michael commenced with us this April, as an Agro/ Natural Hazards Consultant within the Consulting & Services division.  He comes on board the G&Co team to help develop current and future project work with key clients and partners for our business…

Virtual CISAR Symposium 2021

Genillard & Co.’s long-awaited CISAR 2021 symposium (Climate Insurance Solutions for Agricultural Risks) took place virtually this year with resounding success, on the 2nd and 3rd of March. Via the CISAR 2021 symposium we were able to bring together diverse stakeholders across governments, farmers, academia and insurers to digitally enable a wide-ranging dialogue from climate…

CISAR Symposium 2021

Dear Madam, dear Sir, Genillard & Co. formally invites you to our 2021 Climate Insurance Solutions for Agricultural Risks (CISAR) Symposium. Despite the regrettable postponement of the March 2020 symposium due to COVID-19 and with success of the first March 2019 symposium in mind, we continue to innovate in our mission of implementing climate research…