We are very proud to announce the 20th anniversary of Genillard & Co in 2023.
Looking back, the origins of our business began in 2003 when its founder, Christopher Genillard first set up the company and its offices in Munich. He then undertook the first steps towards realising his goal for G&Co to become a provider of state-of-the-art coverage concepts for specialty risks in the international insurance and reinsurance markets.
Over the last 20 years the business and our expertise has grown and evolved into a highly regarded service provider for broking and consulting services in the insurance industry. This has been made possible thanks to the hard work and dedication of the amazing colleagues we have employed together with our consulting partners all providing their unique skills sets and talents. Our clients and partners have furthermore helped make the company what it is today. They come from a range of sectors, geographic markets and are diverse in their size and maturity. We consider our clients and partners to be part of the G&Co ‘extended family’, indeed several have been with us since the outset.
The past 3 years have proven to be turbulent for the reinsurance and insurance industry. New emerging risks have challenged the perception of risk and required a refocusing of risk management. We reflect this progressive shift in the reorganisation of our two business units into one, namely:
Risk-Management and Reinsurance Services
The 20th anniversary of G&Co coincides with Christopher Genillard’s retirement from the company as day to day Managing Director as he transitions into an advisory board role. In this capacity he will continue to influence and progress the strategic direction of the company and look after key clients and projects.
The entire G&Co team look forward to continuing to work with you all. We are excited about the future journey ahead, with you accompanying us on the way.